The United Nations INFILTRATION of Utah
How and why a small, conservative state became a target and tool of a globalist takeover in America When most people inside and outside of Utah describe it, they usually
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How and why a small, conservative state became a target and tool of a globalist takeover in America When most people inside and outside of Utah describe it, they usually
6-21-23 -Anonymous Author Utah has some BIG issues. The core is still unveiling itself, but as it stands currently, the United Nations, WEF, WHO, and China seem to have the
By Jim Jensen 5-4-23 Authors note: Make sure you read our first blog on this topic over here. The Dollar’s Demise The United States is at a crossroads. With our
Jim Jensen We have learned from sad experience that whenever politicians are placed in charge of other people’s money, it tends to be quickly depleted by their ambitious and careless
Thanks to all of you who came out the event. We did record it. The videos and slides are below. This way you can learn from those and dig in
This link helps expand on several key issues and we recommend you take a look here and this link will take you to a list of information on 5G and more
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Our Green Energy Plan Transition to Starvation Part II | The True Cost of Transition Make sure you check out Part I | Fear-Driven Policy By: Jim Jensen The Transition