Sowing Seeds of Corruption Through Education Part 2

Sowing Seeds of Corruption Through Education -by Veronica Harper

Part Two of Three-part series you can read part 1 here.

A message from the editor: Before we start – a warning. This is like the original Star Wars triology. The second is necessary to get to the third, and thus it’s not as fun as the start or end, but it is needed to make all the pieces fit together. 

I was listening to a friend of mine reminisce about their time at Basic Training. Some stories were funny, while others were a mix between sadness, fear, and a longing to simply forget. As my brow started to furrow my friend quickly changed to a cadence they used to sing and started singing it for me.

A yellow bird

with a yellow bill

who sat upon

my windowsill.

I lured him in

with a piece of bread

and then I smashed

his f@#%^#& head

He laughed when I seemed startled at the ending. He simply said, don’t worry, they made us change the last part because it was too violent. Oh, the irony behind that statement. After our conversation ended, I could not help but think about that cadence. The military uses them to help those in basic training to learn how to march and keep in lockstep. It helps them form a base or foundation of proper marching techniques and years later they often remember those cadences. I had to ask myself if our education system is doing the same thing. Is the education system, as we know it, sowing the seeds of corruption within our children? Let me rephrase that; is the education system, as we know it, sowing the seeds of digital and global behaviors within our children? I will expand further on this in part three of the series but want you to ask that question as we move through this post.

In part one of this series, I explained how Envision Utah was instrumental in transforming Utah to comply with the Agenda-21 model (now 2030), how it has spread its tentacles everywhere and has invaded every aspect of our lives. Remember, the auditors said Envision Utah had 130 partners, including the government, education, business, and religious leaders. What started as a growth model for future development turned into a massive quagmire that has helped to influence policies that are determined by businesses and government officials while bypassing the people.

Part three of this series will explain what is happening in our school system. However, I realized I needed to briefly explain the history of how we came to this situation within our education system. There is a lot to unpack so I am only going over the highlights of the United Nations (UN) existence.

There were events that led up to the UN becoming an international organization, which I will not go in-depth on, however, history is extremely helpful in knowing how these things transpire. Knowing our history helps us to recognize past mistakes and hopefully allows us to make better informed decisions in our future. It reminded me of a quote by George Santayana:

               “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

The United Nations (UN) predecessor was the League of Nations, established in 1919 after the first world war. The signing of the Treaty of Versailles made this possible. It was supposed to achieve peace and security as well as promote international cooperation. “U.S President Woodrow Wilson was a strong advocate of the league as he believed it would prevent future wars.” It did neither and twenty years later World War II happened.

In 1942, twenty-six nations came together to sign the Declaration of the United Nations. These nations were at war with the Axis powers. They were “pledging to use their full resources against the Axis and agreeing not to make a separate peace”.

By April-June 1945, representatives of fifty nations met to complete the charter.

“In addition to the General Assembly of all member states and a Security Council of 5 permanent and 6 non-permanent members, the Charter provided for an 18-member Economic and Social Council, an International Court of Justice, a Trusteeship Council to oversee certain colonial territories, and a Secretariat under a Secretary General.”

In October 1945, the United Nations was born. By April 1946, the League of Nations handed over all assets to the UN and gave full control over everything, including their library and archives. As a result, the League of Nations ceased to exist.

Over the years, the UN agenda has filtered down to the local level. As I was researching the UN Charter, I was able to see how their global actions have a local impact on communities. The UN Charter was written in a way that allows its impact to be felt at the local level. Throughout the document, education is mentioned. Articles 13, 55, 57, 62, 73, 76, 83, and 88 all mention promoting educational cooperation in some way. Could this be the reason Envision Utah is supporting Agenda-21, now Agenda-2030, via our education system? Could the UN be in our own state?

I would argue that Utah played a very integral part in ensuring that education was included in the UN Charter. In a letter to the Secretary-General of the May 19, 1945, conference, the Utah State Farm Bureau president said:

               ““The role of education, in a sense, brings the United Nations back to the feeds and farmsteads of Utah, where these thoughts began. On May 19, 1945, as delegates from 51 countries worked in San Francisco to draft the Charter of the United Nations, the president of the Utah State Farm Bureau sent a letter to the Secretary-General of the conference protesting that while the draft document made mention of “culture”, there was no reference to “education”.

               “We hold education as important to the well-being of the people of the world as we do food”, George L. Hobson wrote.

               On May 31, the Secretary-General, Alger Hiss (yes, that Alger Hiss) replied:

               “I am glad to be able to inform you that steps have been taken to make special reference to education in the proposed charter.” As it turned out, there was more than a single reference, including one on international education cooperation, so prescient of what we will see at UVU in October and so emblematic of the green coaxed in distant soil from a seed nurtured half a world away, a seed whose promise shows why it matters.””

As I continued to read, I learned that Governor Leavitt (Envision Utah honorary co-chair) played a role in the growth of Envision Utah. The Coalition approached Leavitt in 1995 and asked him to form a special growth commission. He was publicly opposed to it. He was concerned actions like this could lead to land-use planning. If he was publicly opposed to forming the growth commission, why did he establish the “special sub-cabinet group within state government to study the issue”? In this special sub-cabinet, he had representatives from the “Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED), Department of Natural Resources, and others”.

The special sub-cabinet group decided the growth issue was important and started working to influence public awareness via a special growth summit on tv. Of those who participated, residents and leaders expressed concerns over cost and inconvenience. The event had dismal ratings but this summit “is believed to have influenced the passage of legislation for open space preservation and for funding the Quality Growth Efficiency Tools (QGET) in the following legislative session.” This is another example of quasi state government pushing agendas onto the people that the people do not want.

Prior to its inception, Envision Utah met with resistance from the public and by 1999, during Mike Leavitt’s tenure as governor, Jon M. Huntsman, a former U.S. Ambassador to Singapore, was selected as the new chair. He replaced Robert Grow, who resigned to serve a church calling. Huntsman was the clear leader and specifically brought in due to his ability as “a strong negotiator and conciliator.” Throughout his time with Envision Utah, he was able to bring together, by using those skills, those who were previously skeptical of Envision Utah. As a result, Envision Utah was able to reach a greater level of success. Remarkably, within two years of being chair for Envision Utah, Huntsman was appointed to serve as Deputy U.S. Trade Representative for President George W. Bush. Is this what Envision Utah meant when they said, “it favors offering incentives for compliance to its strategy rather than mandates?”

During the time of the growth campaign, Envision Utah was also expanding. “Over the years, the Coalition for Utah’s Future worked to increase discussion, cooperation and consensus-building on a variety of issues, including affordable housing, neighborhood and community issues, education, children, wildlands, healthcare, rural economic development, water, air pollution, demographics, transportation, and information technology issues.” This increased their influence over a wide range of areas.

Through the help of the political and business consulting firm, Wirthlin Group, they were able to use tactics that were “strategically planned”. In addition to the other forms of generating interest, they utilized “Newspapers-In-Education”. This is a program that collaborates with local schools to offer newspapers to promote literacy and as a tool for instruction.

“Envision Utah worked to have a special edition of the insert published during the January campaign.” A manager of Deseret News wrote and promoted the article during the campaign. Both Envision Utah and the Deseret News teamed up to “host a workshop for teachers during the preceding Fall to discuss growth issues among interested educators. Attendees even received credit toward re-certification of the teaching licenses”. Is this yet another example of what Envision Utah meant when they said, “it favors offering incentives for compliance to its strategy rather than mandates?”

If you listened to the Defending Utah show regarding the deceptive means Envision Utah employs in their surveys, it should come as no surprise that one of the criteria for continuing was/is “Effect change through education and promotion, rather than regulatory means”. The incentive approach appears to work very well for Envision Utah.

Envision Utah openly embraces the UN agenda as you will see in the next installment of this series and one must ask, are they receiving incentives for compliance?


History of Cooperation between DPI and the NGO Community | United Nations

A/RES/1/13 – Organization of the Secretariat – UN Documents: Gathering a body of global agreements (

United Nations: What is UVU’s Why it Matters Conference? | Opinion – Deseret News

Newspapers in Education – Pioneer Press (

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