Part 3: The Fall of Education

A Global Takeover

Author: Veronica Harper

A brief thank you from the author:

I want to take the time to thank you for all your hard work and everything you do. From finding information and sharing it with me to editing my work.  You have chosen to stay anonymous, but I want everyone to know that there were helping hands in this three-part series, and I am very grateful for the collaboration.  Thank you.


Look and you will find a plethora of information regarding what I will share with you. In part three of this series, I will piece together the connections between the United Nations (UN), Envision Utah, and the higher institutions of learning. You may even see the connections between our legislature and these institutions.

Part two ended with asking if Envision Utah was receiving “incentives” for their compliance. An audit was conducted and in a letter from Wayne L. Welsh, Auditor General, dated September 14, 2000, the audit found that Envision Utah received more than $900,000.

“We estimate that the following amounts of state funds have been allocated directly as monetary support and indirectly as services and/or benefits to each organization.”

The audit referenced two other organizations, SmartUTAH, received $905,000, and Western Governors University (WGU), received $516,000. I will touch on WGU, but SmartUTAH may be reserved for another article.

The audit went on to explain that the money received by Envision Utah was from indirect funding. Indirect funding included services and benefits from the State of Utah over a period of four years. The number may even be higher as the amount of indirect funding was difficult to determine due to

“the number of agencies with which the organizations interact, and also because indirect funding is usually not closely monitored.”

The letter also explained that the three organizations shared similarities. They were all “non-profit organizations that fuse government agencies with private corporations.” It also noted that each of these organizations had “nebulous funding due to joint work with state agencies.” Does this sound like a public private partnership (PPP) to you?

The audit I am referencing was completed in 2000. I wanted to know if they had any additional audits since then. The last audit I could find was a financial audit from 2016. The financial statements of 2015 and 2016 were audited. There may be more, but I was unable to find them. I am not an accountant, however, the report seemed straightforward. There were some things that caught my attention. On page 6 of the report there is a section called “Concentrations of Support and Revenues. Support and revenues consisted of significant funding from certain government agencies and contributors for the years ended December 31.” The donor section only had donor A, B, C, and D, etc. No mention of who donors were. I also noticed that if the agency or donor kept the donation to under 10% it did not show up on the report. If indirect funding is not closely monitored what does Envision Utah do with it? If a donor does not give more than ten percent and it does not show up on a financial report, would that be considered an incentive? These are a couple questions that crossed my mind. Would you want to know where the money goes and why have there not been any additional audits for Envision Utah? What role does the public private partnership play in all this? If an entity, such as Envision Utah is going to play a primary role in determining outcomes for the state of Utah, should they be accountable to the people? I would argue that they should. Let me know what you think in the comments section.

I want to turn your attention now to Western Governors University (WGU).

 The same audit report from 2000 stated:

               “The State of Utah appropriated $400,000 a year for three years to the State Board of Regents, starting in 1997, for distribution to WGU. However, only $516,000 ($400,000 in 1997, $116,000 in 1998 and $0 in 1999) was actually spent by WGU. The remaining funds and interest earned, according to the Board of Regents, were spent elsewhere within higher education as specified by legislative intent in the 1999 General Appropriations Act. There were no apparent shifts in funding involving State of Utah funds. Utah and Colorado are the only two, of the approximately 20 WGU member states/territories, to have allocated more than $100,000. There have been no significant indirect costs to the State of Utah for its involvement with WGU. The school has recently increased its reliance on corporate funding as opposed to government funding and tuition-paying students.”

Increased reliance on corporate funding? Not relying on tuition-paying students? Does this seem odd to you? Western Governors University was founded by Mike Leavitt. He was also involved with Envision Utah when they were launched in 1997. Envision Utah needed exposure and they turned to Mike Leavitt.

“Due to its public/private nature, the Partnership needed high level support from both the public and private sectors of the community. Utah Governor Mike Leavitt agreed to represent the public sector as an honorary co-chair.”

He used his influence to help build both these organizations. Incentives are not always in the form of monetary gain. Using your influence to help organizations become powerful tools could be considered incentive enough.

I also wanted to know if there were additional audits on WGU. It didn’t take me long to find several articles about that. An audit in 2017

“found that most courses within WGU’s largest degree programs fall short of financial aid eligibility under Title IV of the Higher Education Act – and recommends the repayment of $712,670,616 awarded to students since July 2014.”

However, Leavitt fired back when he spoke to Deseret News.

“Leavitt said in an interview Friday that federal auditors are taking a requirement in the statute and “torturing its meaning to draw its conclusion,” referring to a 1992 law that defines federal financial aid eligibility for distance education programs.

It’s just Neanderthal thinking that has been revealed in this report,” he said.”

The final response came from the inspector general audit, which stated, Western Governors University

“failed to meet federal requirements for the interaction between faculty members and students. The audit said WGU should pay back $713 million in federal student aid.”

The audit also said the money should be paid back. However, the money would not be paid back. It was noted that there was little interest in cracking down on this university. There was instead,

“bipartisan support from Washington policy makers, including praise from the Obama administration for its low-priced, competency-based model.”

Not everyone was happy with this decision. Since nothing in the audit questioned the substance, Spiros Protopsaltis, director of George Mason University’s Center for Education, was concerned that this decision was allowing the bar to be lowered to accommodate online models. He also noted,

               “Just because one institution has strong outcomes while failing to meet that standard, he said, does not mean the Education Department should lower the bar for the entire online industry.”  

Was it influence that produced this outcome? One may never know. The interesting thing to note was the wording used from the Obama administration. The term competency-based model his administration used is now the standard in most schools here in Utah.  If you look at the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) website, you will find a section dedicated to this concept, including information on the policy, administrative rules, and the legislative process regarding this educational model.

Re-enter Envision Utah. In my first article I explained that Envision Utah was instrumental in transforming Utah to comply with the Agenda-21 model. If you haven’t yet read it, I recommend you do. You will see by the examples shown, that our institutions of higher learning have been corrupted by the United Nations global vision.

As parents have become increasingly aware of what is going on in their children’s elementary, junior high, and high schools, they may not be aware of how bad it is in Utah colleges. For example, Utah Valley University (UVU) has partnered with the UN as evidenced by their official webpage. I encourage you to go to their website and see how entrenched they are with the UN. Go to their website and in the search bar type in “Office for Global Engagement”. Select the newsletter and photos tab. You will see how deeply aligned they are with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, UVU has programs in support of the United Nations. They have hosted the Model United Nations Conference, as well as over 35 events in support of the United Nations. They were officially recognized on April 4, 2020 as a member of the United Nations Academic Impact. In October 2022, UVU also held the 1st International Academic Conference on the Sustainable Development Goals. In fact, UVU has a long-standing working relationship with the UN. They were a contributor to the 2012 Mountain Partnership Report on Sustainable Mountain Development in North America. Take some time to learn what Utah Valley University is teaching your children.

You may also want to investigate the University of Utah (UofU). They have a flagship institution called the University of Utah Asia campus “Developing Global Leaders.” Students will study at both the Utah campus and the Songdo, South Korea campus. Songdo is a smart city. If you are not familiar with smart cities, look at the articles on the website. They also have a program called Celebrating U Completely aimed at diversity, equity, and inclusion.

If you think this agenda is specific to these two institutions, think again. Utah State University, Weber State University, and over 80 colleges and universities have hosted Model UN conferences. It doesn’t stop there. There is a national high school model United Nations program.  It was established in 1975 and “is the world’s largest, most divers, and most prestigious Model UN conference for secondary school students.” In fact, our very own Brighton High School competed back in 2018 at the National High School Model UN assembly, and won in 2019.  They were in their twentieth year of competition.  Let that sink in. 

Our children have been exposed to this far longer than we thought.  I heard it said that when you send your kids to college you may send them as conservatives but inevitably, they will come back as liberals.  The hard part is once your child turns eighteen, you do not have the same access to their education. It is imperative you teach them while they are young about the guiding principles of the U.S. Constitution. They must know how to apply it as well. It may be one of the only ways we save our great nation. Our youth have been taken hostage by the education system and unless we take the reigns back and teach sound, conservative principles, our great nation may not last.

Below is a great video expanding upon what has happened, how long it’s been happening and why.



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