We Don't Believe in Kings Here- You're Fired!

As many of you know, because we have often said it, we didn’t go looking for the United Nations. It found us! What do we mean by that? Well, when we’d research topics, all roads ended up at the same location: the United Nations or one of their “crew” like the World Economic Forum (WEF)/World Health Organization (WHO), etc.

“Why is that a problem?” you may ask. Well, it is a problem because, simply put, they hate sovereignty. They hate individualism. They hate real freedom. If they can’t control it, manage it, and benefit from the outcomes, then it is an obstacle–a problem to be rooted out and dismantled.

As we have already gone over in this blog, Utah was targeted specifically to be culturally dismantled and then, rebuilt in the globalist idea of “community”, which in our opinion, is a hybrid of communism and fascism. We are sad to say they were successful. Now, that doesn’t mean it’s game over, but it does mean you’d better understand where we are at on the chessboard–if we are even on it at all.

We believe Utah was specifically targeted because, although we had an independent and strong culture, they viewed our weakness as their greatest asset: Utah’s deep need to be accepted and viewed as nice and “Christlike”. This makes for a very gullible populace. This is something we are greatly suffering from now, and if not changed asap, will ultimately lead to our destruction. Being honest, firm, and principled isn’t mean or bad. It means you stand for something. As the saying goes, “if you stand for nothing you will fall for anything.” Nothing could be truer in Utah’s case.

Before we get into it, we want to give you a “trigger warning” – we are going to address the religious situation happening in Utah. If that offends you, don’t read on.

The global tyrants have certain objectives they need in order to create their genuine “One World Order:”

  1. Compliance: This one is easy to understand. It’s also fairly easy to see why Utah falls right in line with this (after their dismantling of our state). They weaponized religion via subversion in order to really enforce this.
  2. Trust: They need you to believe in their installed “experts” and propaganda. Boy, oh boy! did our state go without any fight into the darkness here. The media was taken over completely around 1997-98, and the rest is history. Again, religion is also used in this area, and has been subverted to work over Utahns.
  3. The “Disagree Better” method: We all just want to be nice and kind, even if we know that what is happening is completely wrong. (P0rn in schools, anyone manipulating CHILDREN into cutting off healthy body parts or taking hormones and becoming lifelong patients of the medical establishment–money, money, money). We are going to silence ourselves out of fear and compassion, and this silence allows such evilness to go on. Again, religion has been weaponized by people with very alarming agendas. Do you think Christ would be pleased about what is being done to CHILDREN? Something to think about. To pretend any of this is “normal” is abhorrent, frankly. It doesn’t mean there aren’t people who GENUINELY have mental health issues, who should be treated with compassion and understanding. It doesn’t mean that you should be actively hurtful and pick on someone. It means you should be kind, in the true sense, and help that person, if they ask for it. Or else, leave them alone. Seriously, if it doesn’t hurt you, and they are not PUSHING it on others, then why do you care?
  4. Peace: They are doing horrific stuff under the guise of peace and human rights. We’d go so far as to say, they are doing exactly the opposite of both those terms. Peacekeepers are anything but keeping the peace. This is also where the Global Education Association comes into play. They wanted (and have nearly achieved) a reconceptualization of sovereignty and security. What do you think that means to global tyrants who want to roll out a perfect civil society Utopia? It means no borders; one world religion; one world order; one world judicial system (international law under the UN); and a one world army – blue helmets. You honestly should be terrified when any of these people mention “peace.” (More on this entire thing here and here defending Utah blogs)
  5. CHAOS: Oh baby, yes! They want utter chaos and destruction. They want you crawling on your hands and knees to BEG for Big-Daddy-One-World-Order-government help. How do you get the entire world to offer themselves up like lambs to the slaughter? You create WWIII, massive illegal immigration, forced multiculturism (which never works), jailing of political opponents and specific groups of people, release criminal and mentally-ill people into the populace, destroy the economy, crash the grid, hack the digital systems (smart meters should be outlawed ioho), force a famine by destroying agriculture and taking all the land, jack up housing costs so no one can own a home, and more. You get the idea. Essentially, get everyone fighting with everyone: white vs black, black vs Hispanic, Hispanic vs Asian, straight vs gay, gay vs trans, right vs left, right vs right, left vs left, and it goes on and on. Enter Universal Basic Income (utter poverty and relying on the government), universal healthcare (oops we already fell for that hot mess, but One Health is the ultimate goal), universal social credit scores, universal travel options, universal digital money (their FAVORITE and 2nd most wanted nightmare for domination), Universal ID (their 1st most wanted nightmare for your serfdom and their world domination). You get the idea.
  6. CIVIL SOCIETY: The end goal! Here is where we will expound, Utah, because they have plans for us. Big ones. Before we get into Utah specifically, please understand “THEY” decide what qualifies as a “civil society” and the “ethics of good”. So, think of ESG, DEI, and censorship on warp speed. You will be part of the collective or “Common Good” – you will no longer have free will. You will not be able to express yourself, unless it falls in line with their agenda and approved “community social guidelines.” You will not be driving a car, if they decide that it’s not environmentally friendly, or if you have been a dissenter. You will be under total and utter control. You will ask them for this, of course, because… see number 4. You will give up your freedom for “safety and convenience,” and they know it. This goes even further though. For those who fully understand what is coming with the Fourth/Fifth Industrial Revolution (4IR/5R), you know their ultimate goal is to go beyond human consciousness and merge human and machine. They want genderless robots, who do as they are programmed…and nothing more.

With that clarified, let’s scoot on over to Utah, shall we?

So, how do you get Utah to become one of the models for a “civil society?” Well, you’re starting with some good bones – Utahns are compliant overall because, until about the 60s/70s, they didn’t have to kick up too often. For the most part, they felt they were being represented, and they loved their state– with all its oddities. Some globalists took notice and saw a great opportunity to milk Utah for every last dime, resource, and health they had. So, they slowly boiled us. They fed us propaganda year after year, until we were so blind, we willfully walked the plank to our own death. They have been taking our land, our water, our energy, our homes, our agriculture, our freedom, our children, our schools, our religion, and more. One piece at a time. All the while, telling you it was for your own good: That Utah would be getting super fancy cool money-making jobs. That Utah would be the “innovation” and “tech” center of the USA, if not the world. That Utah was on the map globally, and blah blah blah. In the 90s, they teed it all up, and this time, Utahns took it all without a fight. (BTW, Utah put up a fight in the 60s/70s). By 2002, they had Utah so brainwashed that no one questioned the Olympics, or that a total homeland security invasion and 4th/5th amendment right violation system was installed (read more here). Utahns bought the bread and circuses and had a damn good time doing it. Some of our team partied hard downtown when the games came. Some of us were just as blind back then. So, what are the results of their “common good,” and “smart growth” roll out? Let’s hear it from them, shall we? Check it out below:

Boy, don’t know about you, but we’d say that SUCKS. If you were a CEO and your employees came to you with this as the result of forty years of work, would you be happy? Are these good results? All your basic needs as a company have gone up in cost. You have an older and dying workforce. You have people who refuse your company culture, and they are causing chaos. And your buildings are now unaffordable, so you have to move to a piece of crap in the worst part of town. Any sane person would NOT defend this. And any SANE boss would fire those employees.

So why, in Utah, have they not been fired? Not just by the People, but by those elected to represent them. Instead, the people’s representatives go to their conferences, listen to their presentations, clap at their charts, and continue to install horrible policy from several Public-Private Partnerships (P3s: fascism fyi) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that harm the actual NATURAL BORN citizens of Utah.

Fast forward to 2019, when not only did our state (legislature and all) support, promote, and welcome a tyrannical global organization to Utah, but several religions, universities, P3s and NGOs did as well. Utah was, and still is, the only state outside of New York to host the United Nations “Civil Society” conference. It didn’t stop there, of course; instead, it accelerated. Utah has had a United Nations chapter since 1947 (two years after that beast was created). So, it’s not like this organization was unknown to Utah. Sadly, we now have the United Nations’ member countries’ flags around the genealogy building owned by the LDS church. We have the same group of globalists constantly referencing Utah as the state to usher in the 4IR, and the “Crossroads of the World, and the “Innovation state,” and the list goes on and on.

Well, we have a question for ALL of YOU (THE “THEY” WE SPEAK OF): who died and made you king? At what point did any of us consent to be ruled by tyrants? To have our property taken? to be taxed to literal death? to have our health destroyed? to have our children taught sexual nonsense and perversion? When did any of us agree to be your lab rat under a surveillance microscope, or your corporate slave? When did any of us agree to sign away our free will? We here sure didn’t, and don’t. You do NOT have our consent for this “civil society” where you shadow-people make up the rules, and we’re just supposed to shut up and go along with it.

We will not go into this abyss of evilness with acceptance and compliance! And if you believe in GOD, He wouldn’t want you to either! It is high time for Utah to remember who we were and are deep down. We are PRO FAMILY, PRO TRUTH, PRO HOME OWNERSHIP, PRO FREE WILL, PRO HUMANITY, PRO POPULATION!!! We do NOT recognize national, local or global dictators and regimes. They are unconstitutional. They are immoral. They are abhorrent and anti- REAL human rights. And we will not lie or pretend otherwise.

Start engaging with your community. Help one another. Tell one another the truth. And really love one another. Build a self-reliant community (not dependent on government), and always treat one another with TRUE kindness and respect. Above all love your family, take care of it, it’s the most important part of your life.

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