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Category: General Lehi City Meeting Smart City discussion of Thanksgiving Point

Lehi City Meeting Smart City discussion of Thanksgiving Point

August 8, 2023


Lehi City Council Meeting
August 8, 2023
6:30 PM Pre Council / 7:00 PM Regular Meeting
Lehi City Council Chambers (153 N. 100 E., Lehi, Utah)
Pre-Council, 6:30 p.m.
1. Welcome and Opening Comment
2. Agenda Questions
The Mayor and City Council discuss and ask questions on items on the Regular Session agenda.
3. Administrative Report
4. Mayor and Council Reports
Calendar items and outside Committee reports
Regular Session, 7:00 p.m.
1. Welcome, Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance
2. Presentations and Reports
2.1. Water Wise Landscape Yard of the Month Award Presentation
3. 20 Minute Citizen Input
(for public comments on items not listed on the agenda. Comments limited to 3 minutes per
person with a time limit not to exceed 20 minutes for this item.)
4. Consent Agenda
4.1. Approve Minutes from the July 25, 2023 City Council Meeting
4.2. Approve Purchase Orders
PO Index.pdf
po #7531 Big T Recreation - Family Park Playground.pdf
po #7533- Sunroc.pdf
Ken Garff Police F150 Responders.pdf
5. Consideration of Resolution #2023-51 authorizing the issuance of electric revenue bonds.
Petitioner: Lehi City
Bond Resolution (Electric Rev Bonds)(7-27-23).docx
6. Consideration of Resolution #2023-50 approving a second amendment tot he agreement
between Lehi City and SIRQ Construction for pre-construction and construction
managements/general contractor services for Fire Station 84.
Petitioner: Lehi City
Res 2023-50.docx
Lehi Fire Station #84 ( GMP Amendment Exhibit D) 7.28.pdf
Executed Contract SIRQ.pdf
7. Consideration of Resolution #2023-49 approving an agreement with Suncroc for the
construction for the Oak Hollow tank and pond drains with all associated structures and
access roads.
Petitioner: Lehi City
Res 2023-49.docx Sunroc
8. Consideration of Ordinance #42-2023 the Fox General Plan Amendment from Medium Density
Residential to Light Industrial on 2.73 acres located at 501 & 535 North 500 West.
Petitioner: Brent Fox
Staff Report Fox Light Industrial General Plan Amendment 08.08.23.docx Fox Light
Industrial GPA DRC 06.21.23.docx
Ord 42-2023.docx Fox
Aerial.pdf Fox GP.pdf
Fox Zoning.pdf
Fox Light Industrial General Plan Amendment 06.21.23.pdf
9. Consideration of Preliminary subdivision approval of Cedar Hollow Plat M, a 7-lot
residential development located at 1475 East 1800 North in an RA-1 zone. Petitioner:
Gary Cooper
Staff Report Cedar Hollow Plat M Subdivision 08.08.23.docx Cedar
Hollow Plat M DRC 05.31.23.docx
Cedar Hollow Preliminary Plans.pdf
Aerial Map.pdf
General Plan Map.pdf
Zoning Map.pdf
10. Consideration of Ordinance #43-2023 the Dry Creek Village Zone Change on 16 acres of
property located at approximately 1450 South 1100 West, changing the zoning from TH-5
(transitional holding) to Mixed Use.
Petitioner: Bronson Tatton
Staff Report Dry Creek Village Zone Change 08.08.23.docx Dry Creek
Zone Change DRC 05.03.23.docx
Ord 43-2023.docx
Dry Creek Village ZC Aerial.pdf Dry
Creek Village ZC GP.pdf Dry Creek
Village ZC Zoning.pdf
Dry Creek Village Zone Change DRC 05.03.23.pdf
11. Consideration of Concept plan approval for the Dry Creek Village Land Use Plan for the first
phase which includes a 142-unit residential development located at approximately 1450 South
1100 West.
Petitioner: Bronson Tatton
Staff Report Dry Creek Village Concept 08.08.23.docx Dry Creek
Village Concept DRC 06.28.23.docx
Dry Creek Village Aerial.pdf Dry
Creek Village GP.pdf Dry Creek
Village Zoning.pdf
Dry Creek Architectural & Amenity Exhibits_7.6.2023.pdf Dry
Creek Village Concept 06.28.23.pdf
12. Consideration of Ordinance #44-2023 an Area Plan Amendment to the Thanksgiving Point
Area Plan.
Petitioner: Stack and Gardner Company
Staff Report Thanksgiving Point Area Plan Amendment 08.08.23.docx
Thanksgiving Station Area Plan DRC 06.28.23.docx
Ord 44-2023.docx
Aerial Thanksgiving Point.pdf General
Plan Thanksgiving Point.pdf Zoning
Thanksgiving Point.pdf
Thanksgiving Point Area Plan Amendment 06.28.23 Final.pdf
13. Adjournment
Public is invited to attend all City Council Meetings
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons in need of special accommodations should contact
the City Recorder at 385-201-2269
This agenda has been properly posted and a copy provided to the local news media.

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