Category: General Robert Brown: Nullification

Robert Brown: Nullification

September 8, 2023

Our first Highland Meeting of the Fall Season will be on Friday, September 8. This is not the first Friday of the month, but it avoids the Labor Day Weekend when so many people will be out of town.

Many people are clamoring for an Article V convention to rein in big government. However, such a convention would result in changing the Constitution and risk removing many of its limitations on government power.

But is our problem with big government due to a flaw in the Constitution — or a flaw in the politicians?

Nullification, the constitutionally-prescribed practice of ignoring unconstitutional “laws” ("orders," "opinions," "regulations" etc.), is the key to reining in big government, not an Article V convention.

Robert Brown will be our speaker. He is a constitutional scholar who created the popular six-part lecture series, “The Constitution Is the Solution.”

A former field coordinator for The John Birch Society, Robert is an in-demand speaker who travels throughout the United States to help people better understand America’s preeminent governing document and issues related to it.

He believes the key to American restoration is citizens who know the U.S. Constitution and hold elected officials accountable to it.

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