Category: General Campaign Management School

Campaign Management School

October 21, 2023

On Saturday, October 21, Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) will host a Campaign Management School at the Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) in Sandy Utah, taught by Kirk Shelley of Oklahoma, a nationally acclaimed instructor from the Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership (FACL).

This is practical, no-nonsense training built around cutting-edge political strategies and tactics. It is a political “boot camp” for candidates and their staffers, who want to learn how to run effective campaigns and get elected to public office. It goes from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM.

Kirk has the battle scars of dozens of campaigns at all levels--national, state, county, municipal, legislative, party, etc. He knows how to win elections! And he is coming to Utah to teach us how to win elections!

This training normally costs hundreds of dollars, but YAL is making it available to you at a nominal cost—only $45.  And this includes the lunch. Please register now for early-bird pricing of $45. The price will go up to $60 in October.

Only 36 seats are available, so sign up today!

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